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What happens to my Infonavit loan if I am in Buró de Crédito?

The Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores (Infonavit) is a fundamental institution for access to housing in Mexico. For many workers, an Infonavit loan represents the opportunity to fulfill their dream of owning their home. However, a common doubt arises: what happens with my Infonavit credit if I am in Buró de Crédito?

Here at Grupo Gova we will explain how the Credit Bureau impacts your Infonavit credit application, the benefits of authorizing the consultation of your credit history and what options you have if your situation in the Bureau is not ideal.

What is Buró de Crédito and how does it work?

Buró de Crédito is a credit reporting company that records your payment history with banks, department stores and other financial institutions. This information is summarized in a report, known as a credit score, which reflects your behavior as a debtor. A high score indicates a good history, while a low score may be the result of late payments, defaults, or even fraud.

How does the Credit Bureau influence my Infonavit credit?

Infonavit, like other financial institutions, consults your credit history in the Buró to evaluate your payment capacity and determine the amount of credit that can be granted. A good score allows you to access more financing, while a negative credit history can reduce the amount of money you can borrow or even lead to your being denied credit.

Is it mandatory for Infonavit to consult my Credit Bureau?

No, the consultation of your Credit Bureau by Infonavit is voluntary. However, it is important to consider that if you do not authorize the consultation, you will only receive 60% of the maximum amount of financing that corresponds to you. On the other hand, if you allow the review, the amount could be higher:

  • Up to 85% of the credit if your credit history is not perfect, but is still considered good.
  • Up to 90% of the credit if your score indicates a regular credit history.
  • 100% of the credit you are entitled to by law if your credit history is impeccable.

What happens to my Infonavit credit if I have a bad credit history?

If your credit bureau reflects a negative history, don't be discouraged. Infonavit offers several solutions for debtors that will help you improve your situation and gain access to credit. Among them are:

  • Voluntary contributions: You can increase your savings in your Infonavit account to increase the amount of your credit.
  • Score contests: Infonavit organizes contests where you can improve your credit score by meeting certain challenges.
  • Advice and support: Infonavit provides personalized advice to help you regularize your credit situation.

How to improve my credit score?

If you want to improve your credit score and increase your chances of obtaining a good Infonavit credit, here are some tips:

  • Pay your debts on time: It is essential to meet the payment dates of your loans and credit cards to avoid negative records in your credit bureau.
  • Do not over-indebt yourself: Apply only for the loans you really need and that you can pay without affecting your economy.
  • Monitor your credit history: Check your credit bureau report periodically to detect any errors or inconsistencies.
  • Use your credit cards responsibly: Do not exceed your credit limit and avoid minimum payments.

Being in Buró de Crédito does not mean that you cannot obtain an Infonavit loan. Infonavit assesses your payment capacity and offers you several options to improve your credit situation.

Remember that the key to access a good Infonavit credit is to maintain a positive credit history, pay your debts on time and take advantage of the support programs offered by the institute. Don't hesitate to seek personalized advice to resolve your doubts and move towards the home you want!

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